How To Safely Transport a Firearm

Firearm safety is the number one goal of serious gun enthusiasts. Responsible gun owners adhere to best practices in order to keep the carry and transport of firearms a safe endeavor.
In addition to your safety, and safety of those around you, it is also important to transport your firearm in a way that protects it from damage that depreciates its value.
Firearm laws vary from state to state (and even by municipality), so it is of utmost importance to familiarize yourself with each state’s concealed carry code as well as other applicable gun laws so that you make sure that you are not in violation of local or state laws.
Concealed carry safety protocols vary from case transport of a firearm, but there is some overlap between the two, as well as some commonalities.
Below we will touch on a few things to keep in mind regardless of your method of transport.
Concealed Carry:
Get a secure holster that fits your gun. Assuming that you have obtained the proper concealed carry permit for your state, and depending on your state laws, you may choose to carry your weapon on your person while in a vehicle.
If this is how you intend to transport your firearm, a well-fitting holster has never been more imperative. Your holster should securely keep your gun both concealed, and in an easily accessible position.
A holster that secures the gun properly will cover the firearms trigger mechanism and will not allow the firearm to dislodge from the holster accidentally. This is very important in terms of safety.
The safety benefits of containing the firearm and trigger mechanism are self-evident. Having a holster that properly fits the gun and secures it to your person also increases safety because the individual is less likely to consciously, or subconsciously, reach for the firearm to check that it is still properly contained in the holster.
Excessive handling of a concealed firearm through clothing isn’t the best safety practice and it can broadcast to others that you are carrying.
Loaded vs. Unloaded:
If you have a concealed carry permit, it is important to be familiar and proficient with your firearm. Otherwise, you should practice with your gun until you are, and wait to carry until you are 100% comfortable with your sidearm.
Assuming you’ve taken these appropriate measures, many concealed-carry experts will tell you that carrying a firearm without a round in the chamber is a waste because life and death situations are often decided in fractions of a second.
Ultimately, you need to decide if you want to carry your gun in your vehicle with a round in the chamber. If your gun is equipped with a safety, its good practice to engage it, especially in your vehicle. Always be aware of the direction in which your gun is pointed, whether loaded or unloaded. To ensure safe habits, it’s always a best practice to treat your firearm as if it’s loaded even if it’s not.

Keep a Case in Your Vehicle:
Keeping a quality case in your vehicle is a good way to protect your firearm and store it in a safe and secure fashion. Gun Safety Zones are a subject of debate, but if you are heading to a school event for your kids, for example, having a case in your vehicle provides you with a place to store your gun that will keep it safe from damage and out of sight.
Some states have case laws, requiring a gun that is not being carried on a person with a concealed carry permit to be in a case when it is in a vehicle. A case also provides you with additional storage options for spare clips, ammunition, on-the-go cleaning supplies, and other firearm essentials.

Case Transport:
• Unload the Firearm:
Most states have laws prohibiting the transport of a loaded firearm within a vehicle (unless it is a concealed carry weapon). Rounds also need to be removed from the magazine. When transporting your gun in a case, always have it unloaded.
• Keep the Case Accessible:
If you are packing for a hunting or shooting outing, keep your cased firearm accessible. Your firearm should be one of the last things you put into the vehicle and one of the first things you take out.
Be aware of how and where you stow the case and the firearm in your vehicle. Cases are designed to protect your gun, but a certain level of reasonable care and careful handling is always warranted.
• Choose a Quality, Rugged Case:
Your firearm is a precision tool and a valuable investment. Both are reasons why a quality case is an important part of firearm storage and transport.
A case with a rugged, rip-stop face fabric will fight against tears and snags that can compromise the protective benefits of the case itself. A quality gun case will have sufficient padding to act as a shock absorber, and the interior of the case should be plush and soft enough to ensure that your firearm is not receiving wear from a rough interior fabric during transport.
An interior fabric with rust preventive properties is also a plus, as it protects a gun from the damage and depreciation that comes from oxidation; that is why we infused the fleece lining of our Vital line of cases with INHIB-X rust preventative coating.

• Choose a Case with Storage Capacity:
Having some extra storage on your gun case isn’t as much a safety or firearm protection factor as it is one of convenience. Choosing a case with ample storage room will ensure that you have all the firearms supplies you need for a day at the range or a week at hunting camp.
Things such as ammo box pockets, extra mag sleeves, and even a stuff pocket for a pistol rug are things that make for easier packing and transport of your firearm(s).

As stated above, regardless of how you transport your firearm, keep safety at the forefront. The 2nd most important thing to consider is protecting the firearm itself, from physical damage.
Safe and protective transport of a firearm can occur when concealed carrying your weapon, or when utilizing a case.
Whatever your personal preference is, be sure to follow the best practices to ensure the safety of you and those around you.
For more information on the Blackheart line of premium gun cases, be sure to browse our website.
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